Contemporary Chinese Documentary Series: Meeting the Director

Dai Pai Dong Tea Trail (半世紀茶跡)

Asia/Hong_KongDai Pai Dong Tea Trail (半世紀茶跡)
    Asia/Hong_KongDai Pai Dong Tea Trail (半世紀茶跡)


      Dai Pai Dong Tea Trail (半世紀茶跡)


      November 25, 2013


      T3, Meng Wah Complex, The University of Hong Kong


      5:30 pmReception
      6:00 pmFilm screening
      7:15 pmDiscussion with Dr. Petula S.Y. Ho (Director), and Professor Wai Luen Lo


      Film screening:Putonghua dialogue, Chinese & English subtitles
      Discussion:Putonghua & Cantonese


      (Tel) (852) 3917-2461

      About the Film

      This is the story of the twin sisters, Hazel and Dai Ga Jer, and their family who runs a Dai-Pai-Dong (cooked food stall) in Tsuen Wan. The family celebrated the 50th anniversary of this Dai-Pai-Dong in 2009. They are grateful that this Dai-Pai-Dong has provided for the family with its eight children with the means to survive the difficult years of their childhood. This Dai-Pai-Dong also provided most of them with jobs for a living during their adulthood. Hazel studied hard and was the first and the only one in the family who had gone overseas to study. She met her husband in the UK and became a mother of two. She finished her degree from the Open University the same year as her daughter’s graduation from a university in the UK. She has just finished her MBA whilst working full time as administrator for an insurance company. Hazel’s twin sister, Dai Ga Jer (big sister) on the other hand, worked at the Dai-Pai-Dong and took up ballroom dancing with her husband. The two sisters feel that they have complemented each other and have a fuller life than those who are not twins.

      In 2011, the mother passed away quite suddenly and the family has been working hard to cope with the changes involved. The second half of the story focuses on how the 80+ year old father and the 4 sons (aged 40 to 60) have struggled to re-position themselves and achieve their ideal of a united and happy family.

      這個故事滿載香港回憶。大排檔讓我們想起香港的一段歷史:當年的香港人,特別是中低收入階層常在這種餐飲店解決一日三餐。 鄭媽媽是最有力量的母親形象,是家庭的靈魂。她苦心經營大排檔,養活了八個兒女和他們的家庭。早年生活艱辛,她曾想過把雙胞胎中的妹妹送人,稍微減輕家庭負擔。在那個家庭計劃和避孕尚未普及的年代,這些事並不罕見,但最終祖母決定不要送走孩子,他們唯有咬緊牙關努力打拼。後來她還允許那個原本要送人的女兒留學海外,即使花費不菲,還得讓女兒獨自生活在海外,這些在當年都是很冒險的。


      About the director



      Photo Highlights
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